Stylish projects when you are stuck indoors | Alexandra Stylist | Personal Wardrobe Stylist

Stylish projects when you are stuck indoors

By | January 23rd, 2016 | Confessions

Going stir crazy during the #jonas blizzard?
Don’t want to watch TV all day long?
Here are some ideas of what to do when you’re stuck indoors:

Fold + Organize your scarves

Fold + Organize your scarves. Basket from Container Store

1. Edit your closet. Organize and beautifully merchandise your scarves, gloves, and hats
(Being a personal stylist I take any opportunity to continue to improve my own closet)

2. Purge purge purge! Get rid of anything you haven’t used in years
(Want more expert guidance on your closet clean out check out my on demand Closet Clarity Program. On sale today)

3. Plan some outfits for next week

4. Give your bathroom cabinet an edit and makeover
~only display the items you are currently using and store or toss the rest

5. Clean out your kitchen cabinets
~ toss anything expired or not using

Gave my bathroom vanity a little makeover

Gave my bathroom vanity a little makeover

6. Clean out your medicine cabinet
~toss anything expired or not using

7. Toss any magazines you’re done with

8. Photograph and post any more expensive items you’ve been meaning to post to Ebay or online

9. Organize your taxes

10. Do some healthy cooking
~Make a huge batch of soup and freeze most of it
~Bake some bread or no bake bars

11. Fix anything that you’ve ignored
~Sew on a button, polish those shoes or change those batteries

12. Laundry!

13. Order my new book Vetted by a Stylist – New York’s best style secrets in one pocket sized book.
Shipping in the US is now available.

Got some more ideas? What have I missed? Let me know in the comments down below~

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