Lessons I learned when I started my style video interview series
It all started during a conversation with Anne Samoilov. She had this idea to interview female entrepreneurs who have style that I find inspiring. It seemed the perfect way for me to build a Pinterest board, ask questions, and share our thoughts and challenges of “life in the digital fast lane”. Anne got excited and I thought I had struck on something. I heard excitement in her voice and thought why not ask her to join me.
After 4 fabulous interviews and a wonderful start, I’ve seen some common issues. Here are some nuggets of truth I’ve learned about the process:
1. Asking is free
~I admit, I was a little afraid to ask anyone for anything, especially their time. But, I started out small, with women who I trusted. These women knew me, and had been champions of my vision since we met so I felt safe. What I realized was that these women were actually excited, enthusiastic, and flattered. It stopped being scary pretty quickly.
2. You never know when you might learn something
~In my interview with Kate Northrup, she offered a very great tip about having a really nice wallet or place to put your money which signifies respecting yourself. I’m always learning something new!
3. Women want style to be easy
~And they want it all! If it’s complicated, they don’t want to fuss with it. And, they won’t.
4. Comfort is key!
~All women really want is to ultimately feel comfortable in their look and clothing.
5. When selecting your brand, colors factor in:
What looks good on you!
What looks good on video/tv/screen!
What sends the right message!
If you missed them here are the video style Interviews with:
Kristen Arnett
Michelle Rodriguez
Anne Samoilov
Kate Northrup
If you’ve been eyeing my Six Figure Style program, then now is the time to apply as registration closes THIS WEEK!!