The power of personal color~twelve-tone color analysis

The power of personal colour

Color more than anything else creates the first visual impression. So naturally you can understand why knowing “your colors” can be so important. Color is a component of light, and this energy travels at vibrating waves at over 186,000 miles per second. It is meant to affect us physically, psychologically, and emotionally. It can propel us into action, motivate, or soothe us. However, it can also repel us. It is a fact that we make split second judgments based on first appearances. So learning how to use color is one of the most powerful things you can do.

Color Analysis is the process of taking a look at your complexion, eye color, and hair to accurately determine the exact colors that make your features sing. Most people associate this type of color science with Color me Beautiful, which was very popular in the 80s but only used four seasons to categorize human coloring. While a great start, it only got us so far and was incomplete. Initially, it was assumed that all skin tones were either warm or cool. But in many cases, color analysts found that warmth or coolness of hue was not definite. In fact, most people fall somewhere in between, which is referred to as neutral. So within each seasonal category, two additional tones have been added to allow for the expansion of the seasons to 12 tones, including all variations.

When someone says to me, “I can’t wear red,” it is because they don’t know exactly what kind of red they CAN wear.

Every single person can wear a representation of every color in the spectrum, but the color varies in hue, shade, and saturation. There may be some colors that look better on you than others, but this is revealed during the initial draping session, which will show us where you fall in the 12-season system. The purpose of this system is to have all the colors of your adornment – clothing, hair color, accessories, and shoes – all in harmony with you and your personal color tone. This is an excellent way to ensure a fantastic first impression. This is why I use color analysis as the FIRST step in revealing your style prescription. It is a key foundation in our work together.

To start your journey of style, book your appointment with Alexandra.