
Press: Fashion Designers Seek to Save the Bike Helmet


I had the honor of being interviewed by Catey Hill of the Wall Street journal about fashionable advances in bike helmets. I admit that I’m not much of a bike rider, but seeing the neck scarf which inflates into a helmet by Hövding got me contemplating the Citi Bike revolution….

” Bicycles may be in fashion, but they aren’t exactly fashionable — especially the helmets, style-conscious riders complain.

It isn’t just fashionistas who hate how the helmets look. About half of all bikers don’t wear helmets, and even fewer participants in bike share programs do, according to a study published in the Annals of Emergency Medicine last year. From thinner helmets painted with pretty designs to those designed to look like hats, consumers have more stylish helmet options than ever before. But are these worth taking for a spin?

… To be sure, not all fashion-forward consumers are buying into this trend. Many of the helmets being branded as “stylish” aren’t, don’t fit the bill, says stylist Alexandra Suzanne Greenawalt. Instead, they are simply thinner versions of unstylish helmets painted with an often-uninspired design. “A lot of them are more like novelty items — not high fashion,” she says. Others cite safety concerns, that is, the whole reason to wear a helmet in the first place.

If you’re one of the many consumers intrigued by this trend, click HERE to read more!