Why did you buy that clothing item that isn't you? | Alexandra Stylist | Personal Wardrobe Stylist
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Why did you buy that?!!!!

ferragamos There is a part of me that wants these ‘perfect multi-exotic espresso skin’ Ferragamo shoes with their signature bow on top.

The part of me that would like to follow the life of a Stepford wife.

Be married to Don Draper.

Live at the Upper East Side…. and go to Benefits.

But the reality is that… I have been to Benefits.

But whenever I am there, I feel like a fish out of water (I am an introvert so social situations can be challenging for me).

— just like when I tried to wear the perfect Ferragamo shoes I mentioned above.

I know deep down if I listen really close to ‘that’ instinct, that pair of shoes isn’t me. (I think it’s the ‘too perfect’ bow).

There’s a part of me that wants to be that ‘Stepford kind of woman’ … and that’s okay.

Jealousy can sometimes lead us think or do what we are curious about.

But I know from experience that those shoes are not for me…. deep down in my heart and in my soul.

And I know that when I do love something, I do wear it to death and it gets great use.


My Uggs copper boots

Like my Uggs collection copper boots, my woven bronze Cole Haan sneakers, and multi metallic flats (which happen to be Ferragamo too, minus a toe bow).

So back to the ‘exotic skin espresso’ Ferragamo flats that I sent back to Zappos, because I have realized that the signature bow on the tip of the shoe is really just NOT me……

I blog about it because I find things in my clients closets that are so different (style wise) from them, so NOT them all the time, and it made me come up to a realization that it’s common for women to dream and wish for another life or look like somebody else.

Like with the client that I’m working with now; I have found several items that are all so different from her (style wise)…. and made me ask her what prompted her to buy them.

Her answer was, ” checking a box” i.e. trying to fit in.
Now working together she is stepping more into who she is and leaving behind who she is NOT.
Forging her own path.

The reality is that we are all patchworks of style. A bit of this and a bit of that. Most of us are not 100% classic or 100% avant-guard.

We have layers to our style soul.

It take courage to say ‘no’ to something that doesn’t feel 100% because we don’t always start singing hallelujah when we see an item.

So if you find yourself confused about an item. Ask yourself, “why am I drawn to this item”

…..and listen to the answer. It might tell you something.

If you like my brand of style wisdom and would like some help removing what’s not working from your closet you can check out my Closet Clarity program. It not only deals with the practical part of editing your closet but addresses the emotional style blocks too.

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